One of the signs that you're getting closer to labor is when your babe drops. Don't take information technology to the banking company, though, since information technology'south not the nigh reliable of signs. Afterwards all, labor can still exist weeks away fifty-fifty after baby has dropped… or baby might not drop at all until you're well into labor. Here's what you should know about baby dropping.

What is "baby dropping"?

Dropping is when a infant descends lower into the pelvis in grooming for birth. Also called "lightening," dropping is a sign that baby's presenting office (aka the get-go function of the body out — ordinarily the caput) has engaged in mom's pelvic cavity.

When does baby driblet?

While information technology's different for every momhoped-for, babies will usually driblet around ii to 4 weeks before delivery in a first pregnancy. In subsequent pregnancies, babies unremarkably don't drop until mom is in labor. There's a theory why that'southward the case for so many 2d timers: Information technology could be considering your body already knows what to exercise, so your pelvis needs less prep time.

Does baby ever drop before yous go into labor?

Your baby won't necessarily drib before labor begins — whether information technology'due south your first pregnancy or a subsequent one. If yours doesn't, don't worry. When (or even whether) baby drops has no touch on on your labor. Plenty of moms canvas through childbirth fifty-fifty if their baby didn't drop before labor began.

What does it experience like when baby drops?

It isn't always noticeable when your baby drops. That's considering dropping isn't a sudden process, but rather 1 that occurs gradually, over fourth dimension.

What's more, a lot depends on how you're carrying. For example, if you've been carrying low throughout your pregnancy, you might non be able to tell the deviation after baby drops. If you've been carrying loftier, however, you lot would more probable detect that baby has dropped — both because of how you look (a lower abdomen bump) and how yous feel (more room in your lungs, more than pressure on your float).

8 signs of baby dropping, or lightening

What volition clue you in to the fact that baby has dropped? Here's what to look for:

  1. A lower belly position. If your baby drops, y'all might notice that your babe bump seems lower and titled farther forward than it did before.
  2. Meliorate breathing. Once your baby drops, there'due south less upward pressure from the uterus on your diaphragm and you'll be able to have bigger and deeper breaths — which means yous'll be able to breathe easier… literally.
  3. Easier eating. Decreased pressure on the stomach from your uterus (now that baby has dropped) may mean your tummy won't be then squished anymore, making eating a full repast more comfortable… and it won't exist accompanied past a side of heartburn and indigestion anymore.
  4. Increased need to pee. Pressure level on the float thanks (or no thanks) to a baby who has dropped lower into the pelvis may send yous to the bathroom more than frequently.
  5. Pelvic pain. With baby lower in the pelvis, you're likely to experience more pressure and pain down below. This could come in the course of sharp shooting hurting (similar to lightning crotch) or pressure in the perineal area.
  6. Changes in your gait. With babe pressing on your pelvic joints, you lot may find it harder to walk… or you may discover yourself waddling more than walking. Your sense of balance may also feel off — likely due to the fact that your center of gravity has shifted yet again.
  7. Dorsum hurting. With all this new pressure lower down, you didn't think your back would be spared, did you? When baby drops, that beautiful (now lower downward) noggin may put more than pressure on the joints and muscles in your lower back, resulting in (more) back pain.
  8. Hemorrhoids. More pressure downwardly below isn't always best for everything down below, including the veins in the pelvis and rectum. More than pressure level on the veins of the rectum (due to baby dropping) may worsen hemorrhoids or crusade them to announced for the first time.

Tips for helping your infant drop

While there's no scientific data that points to a proven manner to go your baby to drib into place before labor, at that place is plenty of anecdotal communication that can help head baby in that direction. Here'southward what you lot tin try:

  • Walking. Walking tin can relax the pelvic muscles and open the hips. That, plus an assist from gravity, can assistance the lightening process along.
  • Squatting. If walking opens upwards the hips, imagine how much more than so squatting will. Use a birthing ball to aid you maintain the squatting position if you're a squatting-while-pregnant novice. Gently rocking on the birthing ball can also help nudge your baby lower into your pelvic cavity.
  • Pelvic tilts. The rocking movement that tin help get infant to movement into the pelvic region tin can besides exist achieved through pelvic tilts. A great way to exercise them belatedly in pregnancy is on your hands and knees. Gently tilt your pelvis forrard while relaxing your lower dorsum. Repeat a few times.

Knowing that your infant has dropped volition as well let you know that babe is gearing up for the big D-mean solar day. Exciting times ahead!

Labor In Just 3 Words

Proficient luck, Heidi Murkoff