Funny Historical Quotes Funny Historical Events

The 100 Funniest Quotes of All Time

Between the savage insults and hilarious insights, this collection of the funniest quotes of all time will leave you laughing.

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Kellie Pickler funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

The funniest quotes of all time aren't always intentional…

Case in point:

"I thought Europe was a country." —Kellie Pickler, country music singer

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Funniest quotes of all time - Seinfeld on Death Photo:

Seinfeld on fear

"According to most studies, people's number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two. Does that seem right? That means to the average person, if you have to go to a funeral, you're better off in the casket than doing the eulogy."—Jerry Seinfeld

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The joys of parenthood

"I asked my brother-in-law, the father of four boys, 'If you had it to do all over again, would you still have kids?' 'Yes,' he said. 'Just not these four.'"—Sheila Lee

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Funniest quotes of all time - Let me check my calendar Photo:

Let me check my calendar

"I just realized that 'Let me check my calendar' is the adult version of 'Let me ask my mom.'"—Noelle Chatham

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Funniest quotes of all time - Phyllis Diller on parenthood Photo:

Phyllis Diller on motherhood

"I want my children to have all the things I couldn't afford. Then I want to move in with them."—Phyllis Diller

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Funniest quotes of all time - Sandra Bullock Photo:

Sandra Bullock on taking the high road

"Whoever established the high road and how high it should be should be fired."—Sandra Bullock

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Funniest quotes of all time Photo:

Some assembly required

"Sometimes I am amazed that my wife and I created two human beings from scratch yet struggle to assemble the most basic of IKEA cabinets."—@askdadblog (John Kinnear)

These silly warning labels will leave you scratching your head!

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Funniest quotes of all time - Carrie Fisher Photo:

Carrie Fisher on satisfaction

"Instant gratification takes too long."—Carrie Fisher

Don't miss these side-splitting Star Wars jokes.

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Funniest quotes of all time - Nora Ephron Photo:

Nora Ephron on teenagers

"When your children are teenagers, it's important to have a dog so that someone in the house is happy to see you."—Nora Ephron

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Funniest quotes of all time - living in the past Photo:

Living in the past

"I admit that I live in the past, but only because housing is so much cheaper."—Matt Wohlfarth

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Funniest quotes of all time - homework Photo:

At least the dog didn't eat it

"I recently asked a student where his homework was. He replied, 'It's still in my pencil.'"—Larry Timmons

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Funniest quotes of all time - fit family Photo:

The family that runs together

"One of my biggest fears is that I'll marry into a family that runs 5Ks on holidays."—@xnatata

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Funniest quotes of all time - Mapquest Photo:

We've got the driveway covered

"Mapquest really needs to start its directions on number five. Pretty sure I know how to get out of my neighbourhood." —Aaron Karo

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Funniest quotes of all time - Erma Bombeck Photo:

Erma Bombeck on a mother's advice

"When your mother asks, 'Do you want a piece of advice?' it is a mere formality. It doesn't matter if you answer yes or no. You're going to get it anyway."—Erma Bombeck

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The problem with Dr. Google

"WebMD is updating its server because of a virus. Well, they think it was a virus, but it could also be malaria, kidney failure, a heart murmur, gallstones, or possibly appendicitis."—Crystal Lowery

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Funniest quotes of all time - Reese Witherspoon on parenting Photo:

Reese Witherspoon on parenting

"If you are not yelling at your kids, you are not spending enough time with them."—Reese Witherspoon

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Funniest quotes of all time - Dave Barry Photo:

Tech support

"User: the word computer professionals use when they mean 'idiot.'" —Dave Barry

If you've ever called your kids for tech support, this hilarious story is a must-read!

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Funniest quotes of all time - Charlie Brown on anxiety Photo:

Charlie Brown on anxiety

"Sometimes you lie in bed at night and you don't have a single thing to worry about. That always worries me!"—Charlie Brown

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Stephen Colbert funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

Founding Fathers

"If our Founding Fathers wanted us to care about the rest of the world, they wouldn't have declared their independence from it."—Stephen Colbert

You won't believe these 50 things are banned in the U.S.

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Funniest quotes of all time - hospital gown Photo:

Rear view

"As soon as the hospital made me put on one of those little gowns, I knew the end was in sight."—Adam Joshua Smargon

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Funniest quotes of all time - Emilia Clarke Photo:

Good judge of character

"My father always said, 'Never trust anyone whose TV is bigger than their bookshelf.'"—Emilia Clarke

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Funniest quotes of all time - dessert deal-breaker Photo:


"'I don't want a whole dessert; let's just get two spoons.' —Former friends of mine."—Anna Kendrick

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Donald Trump funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

Lion versus sheep

"It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep." —Donald Trump (retweeting a Benito Mussolini quote)

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Woody Allen funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

No sleep

"The lion shall lie down with the calf, but the calf won't get much sleep." —Woody Allen

These hilarious yearbook quotes will crack you up.

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Tara Reid funny quote Image: Nicole Fornabaio/

Smart scientist

"I make Jessica Simpson look like a rock scientist." —Tara Reid, actress

You'll want to keep these hilarious comebacks handy!

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Billy Connolly funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

Music smarts

"My definition of an intellectual is someone who can listen to the William Tell Overture without thinking of the Lone Ranger." —Billy Connolly, actor

Want to turn someone's frown upside down? Try giving them one of thesefunny compliments!

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Kanye West funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

Designer dreams

"I won't go into a big spiel about reincarnation, but the first time I was in the Gucci store in Chicago was the closest I've ever felt to home." —Kanye West, rap artist

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Shane Richie funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

Former life

"I don't believe in reincarnation, and I didn't believe in it when I was a hamster." —Shane Richie, British actor

Don't miss the funniest royal family moments in pictures.

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Axl Rose funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/


"It's really hard to maintain a one-on-one relationship if the other person is not going to allow me to be with other people." —Axl Rose, lead singer of Guns N' Roses

These cheesy pick up lines are good for a laugh (if not love!).

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bigamy Nicole Fornabaio/

The definition of monogamy

"Bigamy is having one husband too many. Monogamy is the same." —Anonymous

Don't miss the funniest lawyer jokes of all time.

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Sharing is caring

"Not sure which is harder on a relationship: sharing a dresser for three years or sharing an iPhone charger for one day."—Rhea Butcher

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Winston Churchill funny quote

Poison for breakfast

Following an argument, an angry Lady Astor told Winston Churchill, "Winston, if you were my husband, I'd put poison in your coffee." Churchill snapped, "If you were my wife, I'd drink it."

For more (dramatized) bon mots from Churchill, check out this roundup of unforgettable The Crown quotes.

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Mick Jagger funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

Funny wrinkles

When Mick Jagger insisted that his wrinkles were actually laugh lines, jazz singer George Melly replied, "Surely nothing could be that funny."

Speaking of funny, these hilarious dog cartoons are sure to crack a smile.

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Funniest quotes of all time - Jack Handey Photo:

Deep thoughts

"Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes."—Jack Handey

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Muhammed Ali funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/


A sports columnist recalled the story of a flight attendant who asked Muhammad Ali to fasten his seat belt. Ali replied, "Superman don't need no seat belt." The flight attendant's retort: "Superman don't need no airplane either."

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Laurence Oliver funny quote Laurence Oliver funny quote

Leading the blind

Seeing a male dog sniffing a female dog, the young daughter of Laurence Olivier asked Noël Coward what they were doing. Coward: "The one in front has suddenly gone blind and the other one has very kindly offered to push him."

Thesehilarious dog puns will give youpaws.

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Joe Pyne funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

Wooden table

In the 1960s, Joe Pyne, one of the original shock jocks, apparently began an interview with Frank Zappa by saying, "So I guess your long hair makes you a woman." Zappa responded, "So I guess your wooden leg makes you a table."

Here are 22 Canadian comedians to watch out for—and their best jokes.

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Katharine Hepburn funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

Didn't act

Katharine Hepburn so hated filming a movie with John Barrymore, she declared, "Mr. Barrymore, I am never going to act with you again." Barrymore replied, "My dear, you still haven't."

Here's every Oscar best picture winner ranked—from worst to best.

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Kevin smith funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/


Director/writer Kevin Smith told Tim Burton that Burton's Planet of the Apes reminded him of a comic book he'd written. Burton responded, "Everyone knows I never read comics." Smith shot back, "That explains Batman."

Find out the most popular movie the year you were born.

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Marc Connelly funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

Smooth Operator

An acquaintance walked past Algonquin Round Table member Marc Connelly and ran a hand over Connelly's bald pate. "That feels just as smooth and as nice as my wife's behind," he said. Connelly, running his own hand over his head, remarked, "So it does!"

These funny photos will make you laugh out loud.

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Leonard Nimoy funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

Dreams of Nimoy

Leonard Nimoy was asked by a woman, "Are you aware that you [as Spock] are the source of erotic dream material for ladies around the world?" Nimoy's reply: "May all your dreams come true."

Got a soft spot for sci-fi? Don't miss these inspiring Doctor Who quotes.

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Dennis Miller funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

The three Rs

"You know there's a problem when you realize that out of the three Rs, only one begins with an R." —Dennis Miller, comedian

Do you tend to have trouble making it to the punchline? Here are 75 short jokes anyone can remember.

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oscar wilde funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/


"To lose one parent may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose both looks like carelessness." —Oscar Wilde

Don't miss thesefunny tweets every parent can relate to.

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Billy Wilder funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

No ear

"He has Van Gogh's ear for music." —Billy Wilder, director

Having a manic Monday? These jokes about work will help you get through the week.

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Bette Midler funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

Nature lover

"She loves nature in spite of what it did to her." —Bette Midler

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Nicole Hollander funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

No men

"Can you imagine a world without men? No crime and lots of happy fat women." —Nicole Hollander, cartoonist

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Funniest quotes of all time - Stephen King Photo:

Stephen King on writing

"The road to hell is paved with adverbs." —Stephen King

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W.C. Fields funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

Smile on

"Start every day with a smile and get over it." —W. C. Fields (attributed)

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Jessica Biel funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

Miranda personality

"I wish I had the confidence of the woman who boldly admits she's the Miranda of her crew." —Jessica Biel, actress

These work-friendly jokes will still crack you up.

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Dorothy Parker funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

Look at the rich

"Want to know what God thinks of money? Look at the people he gave it to." —Dorothy Parker, writer

These funny Google searches will make you wonder, "Who's asking these questions, anyway?"

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Aisha Tyler funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

Sing it out

"Karaoke is the great equalizer." —Aisha Tyler, talk show host

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Stepen Hawking funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

Crossing the road

"I have noticed that even people who claim everything is pre­determined and that we can do nothing to change it look before they cross the road." —Stephen Hawking, physicist

There's a surprisingly humorous side to Stephen Hawking you didn't know about.

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Neil DeGrasse tyson funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

Insurance gods

"The only people who still call hurricanes acts of God are the people who write insurance forms." —Neil deGrasse Tyson, astrophysicist.

Don't miss these funny (but true!) tales of the world's dumbest criminals.

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Richard Dawkins funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/


"By all means let's be open-minded, but not so open-minded that our brains drop out." —Richard Dawkins, scientist

Check out our all-timefunniest work jokes.

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Molly Ivins funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/


"He was so narrow-minded, he could see through a keyhole with both eyes." —Molly Ivins, author

Looking for more LOLs? Don't miss this hilarious collection ofcorny jokes.

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Kenneth Cole funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

Family debate

"I've come to learn that the best time to debate family members is when they have food in their mouths." —Kenneth Cole, fashion designer

Grab your mouse ears and have a chuckle at theseDisney jokes.

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Clint Eastwood funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

Marriage from heaven

"They say marriages are made in Heaven. But so is thunder and lightning." —Clint Eastwood

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Socrates funny quotes Nicole Fornabaio/

Get married

"My advice to you is get married: If you find a good wife you'll be happy; if not, you'll become a philosopher." —Socrates

Take our Word Power challenge and test your knowledge of philosophy terms.

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Will ferrell funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

Slow computer test

"Before you marry a person, you should first make them use a computer with slow Internet service to see who they really are." —Will Ferrell

Everyone can relate to thesefunny tweets about technology.

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Butch Hancock funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

Someone you love

"Life in Lubbock, Texas, taught me that sex is the most awful, filthy thing on earth, and you should save it for someone you love." —Butch Hancock, country musician.

These funny phrases are definitely worth memorizing.

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Rod Stewart funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

Marriage gift

"Instead of getting married again, I'm going to find a woman I don't like and just give her a house." —Rod Stewart, rock star

These jokes about marriage are so accurate they'll have you cracking up.

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Alex Woollcott funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

Everything has a consequence

"All the things I like to do are either immoral, illegal, or fattening." —Alexander Woollcott, actor

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George Raft funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

Spending foolishly

"Part of [the $10 million] went for gambling, horses, and women. The rest I spent foolishly." —George Raft, film star

These working from home memes are hilariously accurate.

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Charles Barkley funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

No character

"I was going to sue for defamation of character, but then I realized I have no character." —Charles Barkley, TV basketball analyst

These hilarious family stories are guaranteed to make you laugh out loud.

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Johnny Carson funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

Don't give up the good stuff

"I know a man who gave up smoking, drinking, sex, and rich food. He was healthy right up to the day he killed himself." —Johnny Carson

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Samuel Johnson funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

Very dull

"He is not only dull himself, he is the cause of dullness in others." —Samuel Johnson, 18th-century author

Relive thehistory of the world in dumb jokes.

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Funniest quotes of all time - Jim Carrey on taking risks Photo:

Jim Carrey on taking risks

"You can fail at what you don't want—so you might as well take a chance at doing what you love."—Jim Carrey

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Jean Webster funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

No ideas

"She never lets ideas interrupt the easy flow of her conversation." —Jean Webster, author

Calling all word nerds! You'll love these cleverthesaurus jokes.

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Abraham Lincoln funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

Smallest ideas

"He can compress the most words into the smallest idea of any man I know." —Abraham Lincoln

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Henry Clapp funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

Worshiping himself

"He is a self-made man and worships his creator." —Henry Clapp, newspaper editor

Thesefunny sleep jokes will have you laughing in bed.

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Isaac Asimov funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

Know it alls

"People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." —Isaac Asimov, science fiction writer

It doesn't have to be April Fool's Day to appreciate thesehilarious real life prank stories!

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Robert Benchley funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

Dog teacher

"A dog teaches a boy fidelity, perseverance, and to turn around three times before lying down." —Robert Benchley, humourist

Here are 15 hilarious dog memes you'll want to share right now.

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Jeff Valdez funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

Cats versus dogs

"Cats are smarter than dogs. You can't get eight cats to pull a sled through snow." —Jeff Valdez, producer

Don't miss this gallery offunny farm animals!

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Benjamin Franklin funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

Holy wine

"Wine; a constant proof that God loves us, and loves to see us happy." —Benjamin Franklin

Americans don't have a monopoly on humour! Check out the funniest Canadian quotes of all time.

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Steve Mirsky funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

Superior beer

"Why beer is better than wine: human feet are conspicuously absent from beer making." —Steve Mirsky, author

Check out thesewitty bar jokes anyone can remember.

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PJ O'Rourke funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

Government landscaping

"The Democrats are the party that says government will make you smarter, taller, richer, and remove crabgrass on your lawn." —P. J. O'Rourke, writer

These hilariousgolf jokes are better than a hole in one.

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P.J. O'Rourke funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

Failing government

"The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work, and then they get elected and prove it." —P. J. O'Rourke, writer

Looking for a quick chuckle? These funny limericks should do the trick!

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Lee Grant funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

Trash run

"I've been married to one Marxist and one Fascist, and neither one would take the garbage out." —Lee Grant, actress

Thesebad dad jokes are sure to make you laugh out loud.

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Tom Clancy Nicole Fornabaio/


"The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense." —Tom Clancy, author

Thesefunny tweets about food are sure to put a smile on your face.

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reading health books Nicole Fornabaio/

Read up

"Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint." —Mark Twain

You'll get a kick out of these hilarious thesaurus mistakes.

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anonymous funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/


"An optimist is someone who falls off the Empire State Building, and after 50 floors says, 'So far so good!'" —Anonymous

These hilarious history jokes are sure to make you snicker.

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George Will funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

Versus pessimism

"The nice part about being a pessimist is that you are constantly being either proven right or pleasantly surprised." —George Will, columnist

Don't miss thesebad jokes you can't help but laugh at.

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Dolly Parton funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/


"I'm not offended by blonde jokes because I know I'm not dumb … and I also know that I'm not blonde." —Dolly Parton

Don't miss this side-splitting roundup of the funniest song titles ever.

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Raymond Chandler funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

Versus brunettes

"It was a blonde. A blonde to make a bishop kick a hole in a stained-glass window." —Raymond Chandler, author

Don't miss thesefunny doctor jokes.

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Brendan Behan funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/


"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how it's done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." —Brendan Behan, Irish author

These hilariousDIY jokes will bring down the house!

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Albert Einstein funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

Infinite things

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." —Albert Einstein

Einstein himself would appreciate these hilarious physics jokes.

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Helen Gurley Brown funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

Good girls

"Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere." —Helen Gurley Brown, former editor of Cosmopolitan.If you're enjoying this list of the funniest quotes of all time, you'll love this collection of hilarious tweets.

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will rogers funny quotes Nicole Fornabaio/


"If stupidity got us into this mess, then why can't it get us out?" —Will Rogers

You won't believe thesefunny classified ads actually ran!

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Oscar Wilde funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

Not a fan favourite

"He has no enemies, but is intensely disliked by his friends." —Oscar Wilde

Thesefunny work cartoons were made for sharing at the office.

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Moms Mabley funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

Speaking of the dead

"They say you shouldn't say anything about the dead unless it's good. He's dead. Good." —Moms Mabley

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President John F. Kennedy funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

Washington D.C.

"Washington is a city of Southern efficiency and Northern charm." —President John F. Kennedy

Speaking of Northern charm, get a load of these hilarious Canadian headlines.

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Sinclair Lewis funny quote Nicole Fornabaio/

Trouble, trouble, trouble

"The trouble with this country is that there are too many people going about saying, 'The trouble with this country is …'" —Sinclair Lewis

After you've memorized these funniest quotes of all time, check out our best-ever Reader's Digest jokes.

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When a fan asked Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart for tips on writing symphonies, the composer is said to have suggested, "Begin with some simple lieder and work your way up to a symphony." "But Herr Mozart," replied the fan, "you were writing symphonies when you were eight." "Yes," said Mozart. "But I never asked anybody."

Having trouble finding the right words for a birthday greeting? These hilarious birthday jokes are guaranteed to get a laugh.

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Funniest quotes of all time - ATM Photo:

Cash flow problem

"Filling out a credit card application, my friend came upon this question: 'What is your source of income?' She wrote: 'ATM.'"—Michael Mcrae

Now that you know the funniest quotes of all time, check out our best short jokes!

Reader's Digest


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