First Time Decade Defense Not Continuing Resolution

NDAA Veto Override Vote In Doubt; CR Deadline Looms

UPDATED 4:40 pm with Bob Work comments WASHINGTON: The budget deal saved the day for defense. Now let's never do that again. The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 bought two precious years of stability, House Armed Services chairman Mac Thornberry and Deputy Defense Secretary Bob Work said today at the Defense One summit, but it hurt like…

Budget Deal: Mackenzie Eaglen Told You So

The newly negotiated budget deal for the next two years is very good news, particularly for the US military and Pentagon planners. The defense budget will be funded close to the President's request this year, there is no threat of a havoc-wreaking long-term continuing resolution, and there is predictability in funding levels for next year.…

Budget Deal Saves The Day For Defense – If It Passes

WASHINGTON: The budget deal announced late last night is unmixed good news for the Defense Department, our sources say — for a year, at least, and if it actually passes the ever-more-erratic House of Representatives. "This 'October Surprise' is a better deal for defense than I expected," said one of Washington's leading budget experts, Todd…

Obama NDAA Veto Strengthens White House In Budget Talks

WASHINGTON: The most intriguing assessment of President Obama's veto yesterday of the 2016 National Defense Authorization Act comes from a Republican. While Mackenzie Eaglen, defense expert at the American Enterprise Institute, clearly doesn't think much of Obama's move — citing "his intransigence at anything less than is being demanded of him" — she also concludes that he's…

As NDAA Poised For Veto, Ryan Challenges Intransigents

WASHINGTON: What will happen if President Obama vetoes the National Defense Authorization Act? No one really knows. We've pinged a number of experienced staff and other experts and no one really knows the likely consequences of a veto. It looks likely that troops will get paid, weapons bought, and operations paid for, albeit at lower…

LRSB: When Will The Bomber Drop?

WASHINGTON: Where, oh, where has the Long Range Strike Bomber gone? Where, oh, where can it be? The Pentagon has scheduled a briefing with Air Force acquisition head Bill LaPlante for tomorrow, but that doesn't mean the bomber contract is going to be announced any time soon. Soon is the operative word. Air Force Secretary Deborah…

McCain, Thornberry Decry WH NDAA Veto Threat; But What If It Happens?

WASHINGTON: The chairmen of the House and Senate Armed Services committees made a rare joint appearance today and urged President Obama not to veto their policy bill for 2016. But Sen. John McCain and Rep. Mac Thornberry held out little hope Obama would back off, and if they have a plan for what to do if he…

Full-Year CR Will Hurt 400 Army Programs; Helos Hit Hard: Shyu & Via

AUSA: If Congress can't pass proper spending bills for 2016, it will hurt more than 400 Army programs and damage combat readiness, two senior officials said here today. "I have a binder yea-thick of impacts," Heidi Shyu, the Army's senior acquisition official, told reporters today, holding her fingers several inches apart. "Over 400 programs are impacted if…

McCarthy's Exit: Budget Deal Or Disaster?

Updated with Loren Thompson & Byron Callan comment WASHINGTON: Rep. Kevin McCarthy's sudden exit from the House Speaker race raises the chance of a fiscal disaster — but it also raises the odds of a desperate budget deal. Both extremes just got more likely. Ironically, this deepening leadership void elevates the role of Rep. John…

Cutting OCO May Be Solution For NDAA: Kendall

WASHINGTON: If the National Defense Authorization Act really is vetoed by President Obama, the Pentagon's top acquisition official thinks slicing out the Overseas Contingency Funding and leaving the rest of the bills as is might work. Frank Kendall, undersecretary for acquisition, technology and logistics, also said that another Continuing Resolution in December covering the all…

President Obama Will Veto Defense Policy Bill

WASHINGTON: One day after House and Senate conferees finally came to agreement on the 2016 National Defense Authorization Act, President Obama appeared ready to make good on half a decade of threats to veto the annual defense policy bill. Hours after that bad news hit, Congress cleared a Continuing Resolution this evening, allowing everyone to breath for a…

Pope Leaves, Boehner Resigns, Shutdown Looms…

WASHINGTON: Speaker John Boehner, that always-tanned, often crying fellow who has led House Republicans since 2010, appears to have given up after new challenges from fiscal radicals in the Republican Party and announced his resignation this morning. Boehner, a Catholic, campaigned for 20 years to bring a Pope to Congress. Yesterday he got his wish and…

Lockheed Shares F-35 Price Data With CAPE; Worth Emulating, Says Morin

WASHINGTON: Jamie Morin, head of the Pentagon's quiet but powerful Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation (CAPE) office, offered an understated and emphatic explanation today of why Congress's inability to do its basic work and pass spending bills poses dramatic challenges to the US military. Morin and his colleagues at CAPE rarely appear in public and even more rarely…

Carter Calls For 'Immediate & Complete Halt' To South China Sea Island Building

Updated with Pacific Air Forces comment AFA CONFERENCE: Just as the White House confirmed Chinese President Xi Jinping will visit at the end of this month, Defense Secretary Ash Carter issued a clear call for "an immediate and lasting halt to land reclamation by all claimants" in the South China Sea. China, of course, has done the vast majority of the…


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